Sunday 29 May 2011

The Early Bird Catches the Worm?

A couple of weeks ago I started a new job. So far, so great:) I am working in the same school as my son, as the Family Liaison Worker/Community Connector. Being in the same building as Ezekiel has simplified my life a bit and has also given me peace of mind.  In my short time there I have created a school website ( and a school Facebook page. I have also organized my office and started a walking school bus. In the coming weeks I hope to start connecting with students through a lot of the upcoming special events. I also have less responsibility than my old job so I also feel like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Of course nothing is perfect, and one of the downfalls of my new position is starting 45 minutes earlier than in my previous job. One of Ezekiel's teachers asked him how he likes having his mom work at the school and he replied "It's good except that we have to get up too early and get to work." And so at 7:30 every morning the alarm rings, which then gives us 45 minutes to get ready and get to work (the first thing I do is the walking school bus which basically involves meeting a group of kids and walking them to school so he just comes with me). With my old job I never set an alarm as he would usually be up sometime around 8:00, and on the very rare occasion he would sleep until 8:30, we were a wee bit late. But now every weekday morning just after 7:30 am, I am waking him up with lots of protesting on his part. I don't blame him. He's tired. I'm tired too.
Enter the weekend. Freedom. A chance to sleep as long as we want. And what happens? My boy decides the saying 'The early bird catches the worm' must be true (only he must think worm means candy). Yes that is correct. 7:00 am on Saturday morning and he is not only wide awake, but dragging me out of bed. A complete role reversal from the previous 5 days during the week (okay 4 this last week). Sunday we made it all the way to 7:15. But guaranteed tomorrow it will be me dragging him out of bed.
I can't help but wonder what is up with that. I mean he is so tired all week and here's me feeling bad that I have to wake him up then all I want is a and extra maybe hour of sleep and he gets up extra early! But then I think back to my own childhood and remember that I was the same. Always sleeping until the last second during the week (and often late for school) and up like a shot on Saturday morning. In fact I remember waking even earlier than 7.  I remember having to get up that early if I wanted to watch the Wizard of Oz cartoon (anyone else remember that?).
But in my defense, we didn't have cartoon networks with cartoons around the clock. We didn't have DVD players or even VCRs. If something came on TV on one of the few channels available that was when we had to watch it. There was the Flintstones at lunch time and some shows right after school, but Saturday morning was the big cartoon day. If you slept in you missed the whole thing and the only thing I remember being on after cartoon fest was fishing shows. And golf.
I always figured I was rising early just for the cartoons, but Ezekiel can watch cartoons any time. (and has yet to turn the TV on this morning). Maybe it was more than that. Maybe it is the freedom. No school, no schedule. Time to watch cartoons but more importantly time to play. Time to be a kid. And after a whole weekend of playing I guess a kid is pretty tired. And who wants to get up when you just have to go to school anyway? Surely there are no worms in school. Those can only be caught on the weekend:)

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